Founded in July 2017 by Florian “Korken” Schröder, the project initially aimed to establish itself as a prominent Twitch streaming channel. It served as a platform where multiple streamers combined their expertise and time to provide maximum quality and quantity for a collective channel. This remains true even today. However, what evolved from this endeavor was much more than anticipated!
A dedicated and ever-growing community. An emblem of pop culture. Primarily, however, a specialist in the realm of moving images. Whether it’s videography, livestreams, e-sports shoutcasts, and much more, everyone finds their platform here. We constantly strive to explore new avenues, always aiming to produce innovative and high-quality content while never compromising our authenticity. Our goal is to entertain, to please, and we spare no effort in ensuring that you can partake in the fun of our work.
You are extraordinary! And that deserves the best possible presentation. Why not in your own video? We can make it happen! From storyboarding, shooting, and post-production to the final video, you will be involved every step of the way if you wish. Even complex animations are no problem for us! With state-of-the-art technology, we can bring your vision to life on the screen. Whether it’s an image video, a promotional trailer, a vlog, or even a wedding, we are ready to tackle any challenge. There is no situation where we are not comfortable behind the camera, except maybe jumping out of an airplane. You will be part of the entire process because you or your product deserve to be showcased in the best light without any compromises.
Are you planning a small e-sports event or do you simply want to showcase your musical talents live on Twitch, but lack the know-how and technology to make it happen? Are you eager to start streaming but have no idea where to begin? No problem. Small event streams and the creation of sustainable livestream environments are our expertise. Our drive lies in the art of evoking strong emotions in your audience with minimal resources. We can assist you in crafting a concept, meticulously plan and install the necessary technology, and even provide support during the live show or help you get started.